The Weaverville Business Association is seeking an Event Support Assistant. This part-time position provides support and assistance for existing and emerging events sponsored by the Weaverville Business Association (WBA), working closely with the WBA Administrator.
Existing events include:
- Music on Main (MOM): June
- Art in Autumn (AIA): September
- Candlelight Stroll: (CS): December
Emerging events include:
- A Springtime Event (SE?): April
- Quarterly professional development events (PDM): January, April, July, October
This position is part-time, mostly remote, with flexible hours that will vary from month to month. Months in which an event takes place will require more hours, while the months after an event will be fairly quiet. We anticipate 5-15 hours per month in the months without events, and closer to 30 hours for months with events. This position will be supported and supervised by the WBA Administrator.
Pay Rate: $19/hour.
Timeline: This position will be posted November 14th, 2022. Applicant outreach and interview scheduling will begin December 10th. We hope to have someone hired into the role by January 1, 2023.
To Apply: Please email your cover letter and resume to with ‘Event Support Role’ in the Subject Line.
Overview of Responsibilities:
While the following list is extensive, it is not exhaustive.
Marketing Support: Coordinating Advertising & Press (ALL EVENTS: Especially MOM, AIA, CS)
- Print, radio, digital ads; contacting AD executives for best rates based on previous contracts, updating AD spreadsheets, sending copy, finalizing proofs
- Assembling & sending press releases/kits (photos, written description of events, schedule) to local periodicals, newspapers & digital platforms.
- Researching/sourcing new avenues of exposure for events
- Social Media: helping to manage event accounts and posts: scheduling posts pre event, during event and post event; keep feeds active throughout the year.
Sponsorship Support (MOM, CS, potentially PDM and SE?)
- Work with event committee chairs and WBA administrator to solicit sponsorship support from area businesses
- Send letters, conduct follow up, create and edit sponsorship spreadsheets
- Collect sponsor logos for website use
- Create social media posts for sponsors (frequency based on sponsorship level) and upload sponsor info to website
Event Media Support: Signage, Banners & Swag (ALL EVENTS: Especially MOM, AIA, CS)
- New banner number decals to adjust dates: AIA and MOM
- New banners for SE? and sponsor banners for MOM
- Event Merch: pick up T shirts for AIA every year
- Source new merch options: e.g. caps/hats/ladies shirts etc.
- Get banners from storage, bring to Town Hall in advance of events for banner placement in town, and pick up after event weekend. Return to storage unit.
- Change placeholder on homepage of Visit Weaverville website to reflect most current WBA event, adjust social media pages as well, in partnership with Administrator
- Change SM logos as required depending on event/date: e.g.: AIA logo changes every year
Coordination of Volunteers (Primarily MOM and AIA)
- Use of Sign Up Genius to solicit volunteers – Start Early for MOM & AIA!
- Procure #2 Paid Helpers for AIA, and #2 for MOM
- MOM: volunteers require ABC training for alcohol sales
- Email Sign ups, print sign ups day of event
- Manage volunteers day of event with signing in, getting t-shirts, assigning roles etc.
Permitting/Insurance/Logistics (MOM, AIA, CS)
- Permits:
- MOM & AIA require town permitting application, fees, and submission of maps, event description, request for town resources etc.
- MOM & AIA require permitting and insurance certificates for use of primary school ball field, including listing Buncombe County Schools as Certificate holder
- MOM requires ABC Special event one day permitting application, fees & criminal background check
- Insurance:
- MOM & AIA require liability policies of 1 million minimum
- Vendors:
- MOM, AIA: Griffin Waste Portajohns
- MOM: Coordinate Vendor Sponsor booths, communicate with sponsors re: logistics day of event; Kids Zone activities, Face painting contract etc.
- Logistics:
- CS: Cub Scouts(coordinate luminaries, purchase materials), Carolina Horse & Carriage contract, Easel Rider contract; coordinate Santa and Police escorts for coordinate police escorts horse and carriage
- AIA: create, assign and email booth assignments; replace withdrawn artists, communicate with artists re: day of show logistics, tent requirements, arrival, break down etc.
- AIA: Ensure Main Street businesses are aware of event and street closure
- MOM requires that every beer-related volunteer receives ABC online training – oversee this process
- Assist Admin with researching and securing locations and supplies for PDM
- Participate in meetings and communication with the Town, especially Public Works and Police Department
Pre-Event Printed Materials Coordination (ALL Events: AIA, MOM, CS)
Create/edit and print materials specific to event, such as:
- AIA: Large artist location map, band signage, raffle items and signage, alphabetical artist list, t shirt/poster sales signage
- MOM: Signage for sales of: wrist bands, beers, water etc. CLEAR directional maps for purchasing wrist bands and tokens; beer options signage
- CS: Holiday character scavenger hunt key
- Ensure posters are created or updated, printed, and distributed for all events
Week/Day of Event Around Town Responsibilities (ALL EVENTS: MOM, AIA, CS, PDM)
- Make multiple trips to storage units to pick up event required materials including but not limited to: Tents, tables, tablecloths, coolers, signage, glass jars, office supplies, tape, zip ties, banners, cash boxes, paper goods etc.
- Pick up event related food/supplies, such as:
- AIA- water, soda, ice
- MOM – water, soda
- CS- coordinate with cub scouts for luminaries, distribute holiday characters and favors for kids, if using
- PDM – coffee, pastries, general refreshments
- Pick up any relevant printed materials: AIA, MOM, CS
- Collect & return items to storage unit post event.