Winding Down To Start Back Up
December is a funny month. So much of it is about wrapping things up – both metaphorically and literally. Seasonal gifting preferences aside, this month also brings a sense of urgency regarding starting back up. As one chapter closes, we quickly shift to defining our expectations around what comes next.
Is starting a business in 2022 in your cue? Congratulations!
But wow, you have a lot of decisions to make.
Here’s the good news: It’s going to be your business, and you’re in charge!
Here’s the bad news: It’s going to be your business and you’re in charge!
Yes, heavy is the head that wears the crown. It’s your kingdom you’re building, after all.
How you approach your marketing plan is a critical component in your preliminary planning. It is also tethered to many decisions you will be making at this early stage – including logos, websites and social media objectives . If you are too eager with your marketing buy in, your budget could be wiped out with no reliable way to track results. If you don’t allocate specific funds for it, your fantastic service or product may not find the right audience.
Overwhelmed yet?
And this does not even take into account all of the ‘free’ advice you will be getting from family and friends, who may or may not actually know what they are talking about.
Fortunately, here at Marketing Outpost we do know what we are talking about.
In this easy going, FREE webinar Mari will address the most common startup questions and pitfalls for anyone thinking about starting a business, followed by 30 minute Q&A time to answer questions.
It’s a laid back zoom webinar to help take the edge off of approaching some of the big decisions any new business owner will need to make. Topics include:
What is a marketing plan vs. business plan and when do I need either of them, how do I use them, how to create them?
How to market on a budget.
What do websites cost and can I do it myself?
What social media channels should I be on and what is involved?
What is branding vs. logo vs. graphic design?
Where do I find startup business resources?
So sign up HERE, share with anyone who might be interested!
Take care during this wind down month – before you know it the start up is back on!