WCCHL New Programs for January!
The Weaverville Center for Creative & Healthy Living announces new Programs and Updates for January 2023.
Living with Arthritis: Jan 9, 16, 23, 30 / 10:00-11:00 AM / Register directly with Angel Trail, PT, at angel@bigivypt.com
New Evening Intermediate Line Dance: 8 Week Course. Mondays, 7-9PM. Register directly with Bonnie Russolillo at bonnieruss1@icloud.com.
Ballroom Dancing: 3rd Sunday, 6:00-8:00 PM / Begins Jan 17 / Register directly with Renee Twilley at reneetwilley@gmail.com.
Mountain Music Jam: We will be taking a break in the month of January but will be back in February to resume this popular event. We will post new details in our January Blog.
Possible New Programs in 2023
Hypnotherapy: This 2½-3 hour program would explore and experience Hypnotherapy in a small group setting. The workshop is designed to teach about the Triune mind: the conscious, subconscious, and superconscious minds that drive all human thought, belief, and behavior. The aim is to uncover why subconscious memories and thoughts can limit our outcomes and how to overcome them by re-education through hypnotherapy. Following a lecture, the group will be led into hypnosis by licensed/board certified clinical and medical support hypnotherapist, Maureen Drummond. Participants will be taught self-hypnosis as a tool for reversing negative thought patterns and behaviors. There will be a follow up Q&A and an opportunity to share the experience before the class concludes. If you are interested, please let us know by contacting us at wcchl@weavervillenc.org.
Lampshades: During this unique workshop, the Lampshade is the canvas. By adding fun costume jewelry, vintage fabric/lace, colorful ribbons etc., the lampshade artist will experience joy and excitement. Design it in memory of a loved one, to honor a special event, or just make it up as you go along. During any season, your one-of-a-kind lampshade is guaranteed to add warmth, conversation, and a special glow to any room. Participants will bring their own lamp with shade, glue gun, and any items you would like to add. Appropriate for kids and adults who can safely work with a glue gun. If you are interested, please let us know by contacting us at wcchl@weavervillenc.org.